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Spiritual Studies

More on Education at Om Community Center for Spiritual Living 

"As we study our own being, we begin to deduce the nature of God."

—The Science of Mind, p. 79

Center for Spiritual Living offers classes that will offer you an opportunity to expand your knowledge of spiritual principles and to gain practical spiritual tools for everyday use. In addition to learning about the Science of Mind philosophy and how to apply it, being in a class is one of the best ways to enter more deeply into our spiritual community.  It is a wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know people from many different backgrounds.

Our denomination offers a series of core classes that provide not only an essential understanding of the Science of Mind but also a pathway to possible licensing as a professional Science of Mind Practitioner or Minister.

Our teachers are experienced practitioners or ministers of Science of Mind (SOM) who love to teach and share the power that these teachings have to change lives. Classes combine experiential exercises with an explanation of the principles of SOM. The home study is designed to inspire deeper understanding and love of spiritual principles and practical application.

Many classes have prayer pods or partnerships which help anchor students in loving support and transformative practice. Many lifelong friendships have begun in our classrooms. Come and join us as we explore and experience the transformation that Science of Mind can bring to every life!

There are 4 terms in our education calendar with classes beginning in winter, spring, summer, and fall. Registration begins four weeks prior to class start.

The Core Curriculum is developed by the Education Department of Centers for Spiritual Living. Core classes are 8 or 10 weeks in duration—one three-hour class per week. The Foundation of Science of Mind Class is the study of our core spiritual principles with practical applications for everyday life. Foundation is a prerequisite for all other Core classes. While open to all students, these classes also comprise the required course of study for future Science of Mind Practitioners and Ministers.

Spiritual Enrichment Classes are designed to be practical and to meet the community desire for a variety of ongoing educational opportunities. They offer an intellectual, emotional, and spiritual inquiry into an array of exciting and topical subjects.  Like our Core Classes, Spiritual Enrichment Classes are taught by practitioners and ministers who are certified instructors.  There are no prerequisites for these classes.

Advanced Consciousness Studies (formerly Practitioner I and Practitioner II training) comprise two (30 weeks) classes designed to lead students to a deeper understanding of spiritual principles and the ability to apply them in their daily lives.  Year two focuses on training students to be spiritual counselors. These classes are the final course requirements for students who want to pursue licensing as Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioners.

Workshops offered on a variety of topics are generally shorter in duration (1-5 sessions) and draw a variety of presenters from within and outside of the Om community.   There are no prerequisites for workshops. 

Here is what some students have said about the classes offered:

"I wanted something to change and through classes, I realized I needed to be the change I wanted to see." 

"I love coming to class,  I met lots of wonderful people and learned a lot about myself." 

"Science of Mind principles are simple, and yet demand daily practice and application. When I was willing to do the work, that's when new and great manifestations started occurring in my life."

"Science of Mind saved my life. No kidding!. Through learning how to think I really did learn how to live a full rich life "

"Classes keep me growing. When I am involved in classes I continually work my practices and learn more about myself, which reawakens within me my Divine greatness

"Seek and ye shall find. Well, classes gave me the permission to see with new eyes and to seek from within myself for the answers and the love I desired."


Here's a complete list of possible Classes offered 

  • Foundations

  • The Mind-Body Connection

  • The Power of Decision

  • This Thing Called You

  • Spiritual Laws

  • Spiritual Economics

  • What the Mystics Taught

  • Edinburgh Lectures

  • Emerson's Essays

  • Bible History & Scholarship

  • Metaphorical Approach to the Bible

  • Metaphysical Bible

  • Creative Process In the Individual – Thomas Troward

  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

  • Spiritual Fitness

  • It's All God

  • Financial Freedom

  • Principles of Successful Living

  • Self Mastery: The Emergence of the True Self

  • Meditation Class

  • Exploring Roots

  • Essential Ernest Holmes

  • Shortcut To A Miracle, How to Change Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life

  • Essential Emma Curtis Hopkins

  • Dynamic Laws of Prosperity​​


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To Inspire, Connect and  Empower You to Create Your Greatest Life !

La Mesa

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