Education Philosophy at Centers for Spiritual Living
The philosophy of education in Centers for Spiritual Living is to present Science of Mind as an exciting, contemporary educational model through which learners fully experience the spiritual reality of their being. This model recognizes that all aspects of life are spiritual, as the curriculum infuses the intellectual, emotional, and physical aspects of contemporary living. The educational program of Centers for Spiritual Living offers people of all ages the opportunity to realize the Presence of God, to discover their inherent creative power, and to experience the Presence and Power in their daily lives.
Those who "stay the course" form an incredible bond, unified by their dedication to applying spiritual principles to the everyday problems of human life. This is a movement from theory to an embodiment. As we study the Science of Mind, we awaken to the dawning of new insights upon our consciousness. Suddenly, the words Life, Principle, Reality, the Law of Mind, Pure Awareness, God and Spiritual Mind Treatment take on a new significance. There is an excitement in working and supporting students in using the Science of Mind and Spirit, to more effectively, promptly, and constructively move through obstacles and ultimately to manifest desired results.
Listed below are the many Life Learning Classes Offered, Cost of classes will be posted at the time of the class, CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class.
New Foundations
Reframe your thinking, recharge your life with practical, positive tools of Science of the Mind teachings. Build an empowering life aligned with universal principles. Turn within to SPIRIT, tune into TRUTH, dive deeper into life and emerge to your greatest possibilities.
This course will literally change your thinking and change your life. In 10 weeks your new life will emerge as you --
Explore the basic teachings of Science of Mind and Ernest Holmes.
Align in Universal Principles and activate the Presence within.
Apply positive, practical, spiritual tools such as meditation and affirmations in your daily life.
Discover the fire of prayer utilizing Spiritual Mind Treatment.
Go within...deeper than you have before...and taste TRUTH.
Uncover and discard hidden beliefs, set yourself free.
Enter a safe, sacred container for ultimate transformation.
This class includes a required Saturday workshop for class completion credit.
Length of class:10 weeks plus 1 full Saturday workshop
Prerequisites: None
"Foundations" is the basic prerequisite for Science of Mind and Spirit Classes, Levels Two and Three
Certified hours:30 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: The Science of Mind - Ernest Holmes and Living the Science of Mind - Ernest Holmes
Beyond Limits
Awaken to the power within.
Unleash your authentic gifts by igniting your creative potential through spiritual tools and principles. Discard stale stories, ancient dramas and doubt as you transform your life into a new way of being through spiritual principles and practical tools. Give yourself the freedom that is inherently yours since birth.
Ten weeks to a new YOU -- beyond old beliefs and tired tales lie keys to your awakening through --
Recognize God as and through all life.
Discover your unique place in the universe.
Open doors with the Creative Power expressing.
Accept daily your good and express your gifts.
Utilize the Life applications for the life you desire and deserve.
Lovingly release hidden beliefs.
Meditate, pray and vision a new path.
Immerse yourself in the New Thought movement that literally shapeshifts your life.
Dive deeply, discipline your life and taste freedom on a daily basis.
Length of class:10 weeks plus 1 full Saturday workshop
Certified hours:45 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books:
How To Change Your Life - Ernest Holmes
Creative Ideas - A Spiritual Compass for Personal Experience - Ernest Holmes
The Science of Mind - Ernest Holmes
Spiritual Practices for Daily Living: Spiritual Mind Treatment and Meditation
Define your path, refine your practice, develop your inner guidance skills, connect within daily with Spiritual Practices.
Multidimensional living requires multidimensional tools. Sustain a more intimate connection with GOD thereby creating a magnificent life through a deeper understanding of Spiritual Mind Treatment and meditation.
10 weeks of the “here and now “tools of a spiritually conscious being --
Awaken to a deeper practice of Science of Mind and Spirit principles.
Find a way to practice...meditation...that works for you.
Ignite the dynamic use of Spiritual Mind Treatment.
Commune consciously and daily with the Power and Presence.
Establish a lifelong, healthy habit of spiritual nourishment.
Be filled with SPIRIT and participate fully in LIFE...awake and aware.
Length of class:10 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Spiritual Practice is a prerequisite for Level Three classes
Certified hours:30 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books:
Journey of Awakening - Ram Dass
Can We Talk to God? - Ernest Holmes
Practical Mysticism
Step into your great awakening in this journey of consciously unifying with the Presence of GOD.
On this evolutionary path of a mystic in action, live as an evolving soul guided by a deep and abiding LOVE. Discover the mystics of the ages, the light within, the silent partnership with the DIVINE and unveil the mystic that you are. Within you, lies the Kingdom of Heaven.
In 10 weeks you will awaken to the mystic within through --
Unification with SPIRIT,
Deep meditation,
Altar creation,
Ecstatic poetry,
Spiritual autobiographies--mystics and yours,
Reveling in how you uniquely show up in the world,
Discovering the process of involution and evolution,
Tasting the mystical experience in your life,
Attuning to your inner vision and creative unification with GOD,
Creating Spiritual Support systems--Sangha Circles, Visioning Partners, Sohbet Partners and Conscious Community.
Length of class:10 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:30 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: The 7 Paths to God by Joan Borysenko
The Contemplative Life by Joel Goldsmith
The Power of Your Word
Seek the kingdom of heaven within and express it in your daily affairs through the power of effective prayer.
Discover the good always available as you deepen your practice, strengthen your foundation and align in your word. Experience the faith and fire of a life lifted by a dedicated prayer practice.
Enjoy 10 weeks of an experiential course that teaches the fundamentals of prayer --
Become more practiced and skilled in your inward path.
Attune to the Reality always present
Dedicate your life to ongoing practice
Explore the elements of effective prayer
Focus on the Creative Law and your beliefs
Discover your True Nature and the answers within
Length of class:10 weeks
Prerequisite: Foundations of Science of Mind
Certified hours:30 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books:
Words That Heal Today Ernest Holmes
The Science of Mind Ernest Holmes
How to Use the Science of Mind Ernest Holmes
Can We Talk to God? Ernest Holmes
Meditation is More Than You Think
Let go and let God. Drop the desire to know how and allow a greater expression to be revealed. Find out more about the process of meditation and the myths and hindrances that have been associated with meditation. Meditation is about intention and it's a state of mind.
In 8 weeks, you will:
Release the belief of "I Can't Meditate"
Learn about the mind-body connection
Focus on allowing versus directing
Find techniques that work for you
Commune with God in a more personal way
Grow mentally and spiritually from experience
Length of class:8 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:24 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books:
Workbook Provided
Awaken, Surrender, Allow your greatest potential to emerge through the “inner technology” of Visioning.
Bring heaven to earth through this organic process of manifestation. Discover the direction and clarity of your life goals with the transformational tool from which our Spiritual Community implements its Mission and Vision.
In 4 weeks of Visioning, you will --
Anchor in unconditional love.
Tap into Universal Mind.
Activate Deep Listening.
Catch Spirit’s Highest Vision for your life.
Open to your greater purpose.
Increase your spiritual awareness.
Take action based on Divine guidance.
Embody and Embrace your bigger pattern.
Length of class:4 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:12 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books:
Workbook Provided
Financial Freedom
Align in your well being -- Order, Balance, and Abundance -- in this conscious, creative prosperity course.
Duplicate the nature of SPIRIT in your financial affairs, manage your life and money through revealing hidden beliefs and operating from spiritual principles. Bring spiritual awareness into practical use in your budgets, financial decisions, spending and receiving knowing Abundance is yours.
In 8 weeks of Financial Freedom, you will --
Explore the creative process of life and how it out-pictures in your finances.
Participate consciously in the law of giving and receiving.
Heal and reveal that GOD is the SOURCE and SUPPLY of all life.
Honor money as God’s idea of circulation in our world.
Discipline your habits through the awareness of patterns.
Obtain greater awareness through Self-Realization and Self-Revelation – keys to freedom.
Dance in the three laws of money.
Move from fear to faith: take a healthy look at what you own and owe, tithing and more.
Create Wellness, Self-Improvement and Spending Plans.
Length of class:8 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:24
Text Books: None (Individual workbooks provided.)
Principles of Successful Living
Live the life of your dreams with daily, practical use of spiritual principles.
Drive your life by demonstrating from right consciousness instead of default thinking. Set your intentions from a deeper level of awareness of how the Law responds to your thinking.
In 8 weeks of the Principles of Successful Living, you will --
Explore your consciousness and how what you think literally creates your life.
Direct the path of your inner life for outer demonstrations through Mental Equivalents.
Deepen your practice of effective Spiritual Mind Treatment.
Remember the TRUTH of who you are and use Principles intelligently.
Consciously use the Law of Attraction and reveal the power of your choices.
Align in Universal Creativity as and through your life.
Demonstrate your greater GOOD daily.
Length of class:8 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:24 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: The Science of Mind - Ernest Holmes
Life is Consciousness - Emmet Fox
The Mind-Body Connection
Develop a greater understanding of the mind/body connection and the important role that consciousness plays in the healing process.
This class begins with a principle, deals with the emotional issues surrounding the body, and gives emphasis to effective prayer and unlearning old concepts of duality and disease.
It is designed for the student desiring a deeper understanding of healing and spiritual connection.
Length of class:8 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:24 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: Creating Health - Deepak Chopra, MD
The 22 Non-negotiable Laws of Wellness - Greg Anderson
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind - Deepak Chopra, MD
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay
Love, Medicine, and Miracles - Bernie S. Siegel, MD
Words That Heal Today - Ernest Holmes
Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient - Norman Cousins
Minding the Body, Mending the Mind - Joan Borysenko
Our Roots
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thomas Troward, and Emma Curtis Hopkins—the passion, the logic, the mystic—discover their influence on you today.
In 10 weeks, you will --
Awaken to your authentic expression, living passionately and consciously in SPIRIT.
Increase enjoyment in life by utilizing universal principles.
Understand the Law and the Presence and how it works.
See and allow the GOOD that is GOD as and through your life.
Immerse yourself in the mystical awareness of being.
Length of class:10 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:30 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: The Science of Mind - Ernest Holmes
Emerson's Essays - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science - Thomas Troward
Scientific Christian Mental Practice - Emma Curtis Hopkins
Ernest Holmes, Life & Times
Discover the path of Ernest Holmes, a great scholar, teacher, metaphysician and visionary who from his youth exhibited an insatiable curiosity about science, philosophy, and religion.
Engage in the deeper understanding of the Science of Mind philosophy -- “Spirit and Mind - East and West” -- in complex ideas and simple explanations. Immerse yourself in the stimulating, challenging, bold realizations about mental science from which Ernest Holmes inspired a life-transforming, New Thought religion.
In 8 weeks you will --
Familiarize yourself with the life and teachings of Ernest Holmes.
Gain a deeper understanding of the philosophy of Holmes' works and beliefs.
Discuss Spiritual Mind Treatment and how it affects consciousness and demonstration.
Clarify the history of the New Thought movement.
Examine sections of the Science of Mind textbook.
Explore your spiritual history through personal timelines.
Participate in experiential exercises.
Length of class:8 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:24 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: Open at the Top - Neal Vahle
That Was Ernest - Reginald C. Armor
Plus other selected books by Ernest Holmes
Edinburgh Lectures
Give your left brain food and knowledge that your heart already understands.
Explore the logic of universal laws and consciousness principles through the pioneer writings of Thomas Troward, British judge and metaphysician, whose knowledge and consciousness "permeates Ernest Holmes' writings." In this practical study reveal the Unity of Life and the impersonalness of the Law through Troward's logical explanations of abstract concepts of Spirit and Matter. Immerse yourself in the wisdom of a master and unleash the subtle reality that is the creative power of your mind and action.
In this 8 week class, experience the world you live in by understanding --
Differences between Spirit and Matter -- time and space,
Evolutionary principles of consciousness,
How prayer works,
Unity of Spirit and Laws of Life,
Receptivity and Reciprocal Action of Life,
Living from cause, not condition
How to walk forward in the path of Joy,
Demonstrating practical results from abstract Principles.
Length of class:8 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:24 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science - Thomas Troward
Emerson's Essays
Discover your authentic self, bask in the Universal Presence and grapple with the application of Spiritual Principles through the writings of the American Transcendentalist, Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Explore the 5 essays that not only shaped a new view on God, life and the uniqueness of being but also provided purpose and meaning for Science of Mind. Jump into a river of writings that invites you to believe in yourself as it translates into changes in your thinking and your life.
For 8 weeks play in Emerson's poetic prose as you discover within the essays --
Sensitivity to wonder and beauty of nature,
Love of life,
Self-reliance and the suicide of Imitation,
View of the Oversoul -- Images of Divine Reality,
Nature of God as Circles,
Compensation - equal sureness of the Law,
Guidance for all in Spiritual Laws.
Length of class:8 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:24 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: Emerson's Essays - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Bible and New Thought
Step into a new light exploring the ancient writings of the most recognized, sanctified and vilified sacred, world text -- the Bible.
Explore the metaphysical teachings of the threefold nature of these writings -- the story of the evolution of consciousness, the partial history of a race of people and the deeper meaning as a spiritual guide. See with new eyes, listen with an open heart and mind as you release old fears and interpretations and discover codes of illumination and the gems of Jesus' metaphysics.
Within 10 weeks, transform your old ideas into new thoughts as you --
Dive into the mystery within the written history of a people.
Revel in the cast of characters and secret codes.
Excavate old fears, discomfort and lingering questions about the Bible.
Contemplate the cosmology of life and your beliefs in God.
Discover your familial myths and history.
Uncover your personal awareness of "Jesus, the Christ".
Greet the gospels in a new manner.
Relish the Aramaic version of the Lord's Prayer and its metaphysical sustenance.
Celebrate a new appreciation of this ancient text.
Length of class:15 weeks
Prerequisites: Class list
Certified hours:45 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: The Bible - George Lamsa version preferred, but all versions are accepted.
The Essential Ernest
Gain a holistic awareness of Ernest Holmes, the evolution of his thought and Science of Mind, through the exploration of his essential writings.
Illuminate the basic concepts of Science of Mind through the intriguing, complex and controversial ideas of Holmes’ extensive written works. Through the path of logic and mysticism, go deeper into the understanding of the philosophy, faith, and way of life of Ernest Holmes to construct your life “one belief at a time.” This course is designed for you to develop your own relationship with Ernest Holmes and Science of Mind.
In 6 weeks you will --
Connect deeper within through Guided Meditations.
Anchor in your personal experiences of life.
Develop and discuss your opinions about Holmes' writings.
Artistically express your understanding of the Holmes’ material.
Explore writings about the Light, Theater of Mind, Time, Love, Agents of Healing and Oneness.
Participate in the “joyous experience in personal unfoldment”.
Length of class:6 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:18 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: The Essential Ernest Holmes - Edited by Rev. Jesse Jennings
Essential Emma Curtis Hopkins
Delve into the mysticism of the “teacher of teachers” of the New Thought movement, Emma Curtis Hopkins.
Explore the 12 touchstones of Hopkins that were the mystical impetus in the Science of Mind movement. Taste the absolutism of this petite, powerhouse of a woman who looked the world in the eye and with a healing consciousness declared only GOOD and GOD. The class is based on Hopkins' 12 lessons, one created for each month of the year. It is divided into two, seven-week series.
In each seven-week session, you will ---
Encounter various prayers and meditations that reveal GOD in every moment.
Study the writings of a mystic who deeply influenced Ernest Holmes.
Uncover inner gems in daily journaling.
Discover glimmers in the weekly readings.
Explore the modalities of Hopkin's practice: denials and affirmations, praying without ceasing, etc.
Dive deeply into the "practical application of metaphysics".
Length of class:7 weeks
Prerequisites:"Foundations of Science of Mind"
Certified hours:21 CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text Books: The Science of Mind - Ernest Holmes
Scientific Christian Mental Practices - Emma Curtis Hopkins
Concordance to 'The Science of Mind' - Dr. Al Lowe & Rev. Martha Ann Stewart
This Thing Called
One of Ernest Holmes’ cornerstone works, This Thing Called You is an intimated guide through which readers will learn the important lesson of how they are an immutable part of the flow of life, and how they may fulfill the longing, within all of us, to live more fully.
The book and class will detail methods of mediation used for healing, improving mind and body, and reaching one’s divine self. Included are numerous inspirations, meditations, and prayer that individuals can apply to their life, which reveal the unlimited potential of the spiritual psychology that Holmes founded.
Length of Class: 6 Weeks
Certificate CSL: 18 hours
CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text: This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes
Materials: Bring a 3 ring binder and writing materials
Provided: 140+ page workbook
The Principles of Successful Living
The Purpose of this Class is to open our thoughts to the possibility that we can create a better world—a better world in our relationships, our families, our workplace, our churches, our communities, our nation, and our Planet. As we look into these areas we will transcend purpose and begin to see that its possibility rests on the foundation of what goes on in our own inner lives… in the discovery and exploration of the power of our the awakening, enrichment, and expansion of our individual that each of us is fully open to being all we can be, fully aware of the Presence within and the Unity of all life. As this life-enrichment process unfolds in each of us, it pours into the Universal Consciousness a vital force for change in the world.
Subjects such as:
· The connectedness of All Life · Immortality · The Power of Praise and Forgiveness · Proving Principles in a Vision for a Better Life
· Using What you know · Cause and Conditions · Healing is the Revealing of Truth
Length of Class: 8 Weeks
Certificate CSL: 24 hours
CSL Certificate: $55.00 extra payment at the end of class
Text: Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes and The Joy of Meditation by Jack Addington
Materials: Bring a 1" 3 ring binder and writing materials
Provided: workbook
Inward Journey - Practitioner I Training
The ultimate path clearing course of evolving consciousness and the co-creative process of living. A journey into the depths of lurking limitations, releasing stagnant patterns and igniting the passion within. This is an "all about me" class -- an inner exploration of your life and the creating of a powerful, new one through principles and practices.
This 30-week course is the transformational journey of deepening, strengthening and awakening to your life's adventure. The process of unfolding includes reading, written assignments, experiential activities, journaling, and ongoing spiritual practice.
Certification: The completion of this course completes the requirements of the Science of Mind Basic Track. A Certificate of Spiritual Development is awarded.
Be prepared to:
Dive deep, really deep -- into old thought patterns and archaic stories of limitation
Release the past, infuse the present as a spiritually mature being
Examine how life got to be the way it is, shift to how to live in choice and jump into living fully and passionately
Grow in all directions -- up, down, in, out, all around -- in God, in choice, in love, in light
Inward Journey is divided into 3 terms of 10 weeks each focused on Living the Principles
Term 1 "How Life Got to Be the Way It Is" The Law of Cause and Effect
Term 2 "Living the Life of Choice" The Creative Process in the Individual
Term 3 "Living Life Fully" The Expansion of Individual Consciousness
Practitioner II Training
Applying all that one has learned about the Self and how to support and Pray for others from greater awareness. 30 Weeks all-encompassing program to prepare one to be fully present and hold a higher truth. Emphasis is on Spiritual Counseling and Prayer.